
Our server offers a variety of dungeons for players of all levels. Each dungeon provides a unique experience and rewards.

Name Level Range Location Group
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom 70-72 Dragonblight 5 players
Azjol-Nerub 72-74 Azjol-Nerub 5 players
Caverns of Time: The Culling of Stratholme 77-79 Tanaris 5 players
The Forge of Souls 80 Icecrown Citadel 5 players
Gundrak 76-78 Zul'Drak 5 players
Halls of Lightning 77-79 The Storm Peaks 5 players
Halls of Reflection 80 Icecrown Citadel 5 players
Halls of Stone 77-79 The Storm Peaks 5 players
The Nexus 71-73 Borean Tundra 5 players
The Oculus 80 Coldarra 5 players
Pit of Saron 80 Icecrown Citadel 5 players
Utgarde Keep 70-72 Howling Fjord 5 players
Utgarde Pinnacle 80 Howling Fjord 5 players


Embark on epic raids. Challenge formidable bosses. Earn legendary loot.

Name Level Range Location Group
Naxxramas 80 Dragonblight 10-25 players
The Eye of Eternity 80 Coldarra 10-25 players
The Obsidian Sanctum 80 Dalaran 10-25 players
The Ruby Sanctum 80 Dalaran 10-25 players
Ulduar 80 The Storm Peaks 10-25 players
Onyxia's Lair 80 Dustwallow Marsh 10-25 players
Trial of the Crusader 80 Icecrown 10-25 players
Icecrown Citadel 80 Icecrown 10-25 players

Mythic Dungeons

Tackle challenging dungeons. Test your skills. Secure powerful rewards.

Name Type Affixes Bronze Time Silver Time Gold Time
Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
Azjol-Nerub Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
Drak'Tharon Keep Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
Gundrak Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
Halls of Lightning Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
Halls of Stone Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
The Oculus Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
The Violet Hold Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
Utgarde Keep Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00
Utgarde Pinnacle Dungeon 30:00 20:00 10:00

Mythic Raids

Conquer mythic raids. Defeat epic bosses. Claim ultimate rewards.

Name Type Affixes Bronze Time Silver Time Gold Time
Naxxramas Raid 30:00 20:00 10:00
The Eye of Eternity Raid 30:00 20:00 10:00
The Obsidian Sanctum Raid 30:00 20:00 10:00
Ulduar Raid 30:00 20:00 10:00
Trial of the Crusader Raid 30:00 20:00 10:00
Icecrown Citadel Raid 30:00 20:00 10:00
The Ruby Sanctum Raid 30:00 20:00 10:00